From Vision to Action: How I Built a Growth Engine with OKRs

The ultimate cheat code to your business growth goals.

Let’s talk about the real thing that moves the needle in business.

Most people think growth is all about sales, marketing, or hiring some rockstar VP. Cool ideas, sure. But they’re just surface stuff.

What actually drives all of that? The secret ingredient behind it all? Vision.

I’m not talking about some fluffy, “change the world” slogan you put on your website. I’m talking about real vision. The kind that actually guides your business decisions, tells you what to focus on, and—maybe most importantly—what to ignore.

Vision: The Ultimate Cheat Code

Here’s the deal: Vision is what separates businesses that exist from businesses that matter. The biggest companies, the ones you can’t stop talking about, are powered by a vision so strong it’s almost like a gravitational force. Apple didn’t just sell computers; they sold a whole movement around innovation, creativity, and challenging the status quo.

I learned this the hard way.

A few years ago, I was running a business that was doing “okay.” We had some customers, a decent product, a good team. But I always felt like we were stuck in this constant loop of putting out fires and chasing the next short-term win. It was exhausting.

I realized something was off. We didn’t have a clear vision. We were just reacting instead of driving towards something bigger.

The Moment I Got Unstuck

Once I realized this, everything changed. I sat down and asked myself: What’s the bigger picture here? What do I want to build? Why should anyone care?

I didn’t just want a profitable business—I wanted to create a brand that people believed in. Something my team and customers could rally behind.

So, I did what any rational founder would do: I created a vision plan. I wrote down exactly what I wanted the business to look like in the next 5 years. It wasn’t just about numbers or revenue. It was about impact. What problems are we solving? What do we stand for?

That’s where the real magic started.

Once I had the vision down, I needed a way to make it happen. Vision is great, but without execution, it’s just a dream. So, I started using OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) to turn that vision into something tangible.

Vision + OKRs = Laser Focus

Here’s the formula: Vision tells you where you’re going. OKRs tell you how to get there.

I broke my vision down into Objectives—big, audacious goals that would move the needle. Then I defined Key Results—specific, measurable targets that would let me know if we were actually making progress. For example:

 Objective: Become the market leader in our industry.

 Key Results:

 Increase market share by 20% in 12 months.

 Launch 2 new products by Q4.

 Improve customer retention by 15%.

Now, here’s the thing—OKRs don’t just give you focus. They give you clarity on what to say “no” to.

The Power of Saying “No”

Before vision and OKRs, I was chasing every shiny object that came my way—every potential partnership, every new product idea, every marketing trend. But once I had clarity, it was like someone flipped a switch. I knew exactly what decisions aligned with the long-term vision and which ones didn’t. That was a game-changer.

Robert Madu, in one of his speeches, summed it up perfectly:

“Vision is when frustration with what is creates passion for what could be. A vision lets you know what to say yes to and what to say no to.”

Robert Madu

When I got clarity on our vision, I knew what to say no to. I stopped wasting time on distractions and focused only on what would move the needle.

How I Used Vision and OKRs to Build a Growth Machine

Here’s exactly how I went from a business that was just “okay” to one that was laser-focused and growth-driven:

1. Get Crystal Clear on Your Vision

Don’t skip this. Ask yourself, What do I really want to build? Why does it matter? Write it down. If you don’t have a clear answer, you’re going to end up stuck, no matter how many hours you grind.

For me, it was about creating a business that didn’t just exist for profits—it had to matter, to my team and to our customers.

2. Set OKRs That Align With Your Vision

This is where the rubber meets the road. Break down your vision into concrete objectives and measurable results. These are the stepping stones that’ll get you to the big picture. In my case, OKRs helped me focus on launching new products, growing our market share, and improving retention.

3. Say “No” to Anything That Doesn’t Fit

Here’s the truth: Not everything deserves your attention. Once you have your OKRs in place, every new idea, every potential partnership, gets filtered through one question: Does this get us closer to our vision? If the answer is no, walk away.

Before, I was drowning in distractions. Now, I’m ruthless with my time and attention.

4. Align Your Team Around the Same Goals

Vision and OKRs aren’t just for you—they’re for your whole team. Once everyone knows what the company stands for and what the priorities are, magic happens. Everyone pulls in the same direction, and your team becomes a force multiplier.

Why This Matters for You (And Why You Need to Act Now)

Here’s the uncomfortable truth: If you don’t have a clear vision, your business is like a ship without a rudder. You’ll drift, chasing every new opportunity that comes your way, but never making real progress.

Without vision, you won’t know what to say yes to or no to. And that’s a surefire way to stay stuck.

Your 3-Step Action Plan to Build Your Vision and OKRs

You don’t need a million-dollar budget or a team of 100 to start. Here’s a challenge to get you moving today

1. Step 1: Write down your company’s vision in one sentence. Keep it simple, but make sure it’s big enough to inspire.

2. Step 2: Set 3 OKRs that align with that vision. Don’t overcomplicate it—just focus on what’s most important right now.

3. Step 3: Share your vision with your team. If they’re not aligned with it, it won’t work. They need to believe in it as much as you do.

Wrapping Up: Vision Drives Everything

Here’s the final takeaway: Vision is the foundation. OKRs are the execution plan. Together, they create a growth engine that moves your business from “just surviving” to “unstoppable force.”

The best time to start? Now.

Got your vision down? Don’t keep it to yourself. Share it with me, your team, or even on social media. Put it out there and commit. There’s no turning back now.

P.S. Not sure how to build out your vision and where to start? Here’s a quick guide for you. Click here.
