How to Create a Vision That Actually Drives Your Life (And Business)

Learn how to design your life and business to give you what you want.

Most people think “vision” is just a buzzword—a fluffy concept that sounds good but doesn’t do much.


A clear vision is your most powerful tool. It’s not about setting goals or hitting arbitrary milestones. It’s about designing a life (and business) that actually matters—to you and to those around you.

And let’s be clear: I’m not talking about a vision board with magazine cutouts of yachts and private islands. I’m talking about a roadmap—a plan that takes you from where you are today to where you want to be in ten years. It’s easier than you think; you just need to break it down.

Start With the Big Picture: The 10-Year Vision

First things first, think long-term. I mean really long-term. Where do you want to be in ten years? I’m not just talking about your bank account. Think about your health, relationships, lifestyle—everything.

Here’s the cheat code: Forget goals for a second. Who do you want to be? What kind of person do you envision yourself becoming? If you want to be the CEO of a successful company, what does that version of you look like? What habits do they have? How do they spend their time?

Write it all down—no limits. Be as specific as possible. Your 10-year vision is your North Star. It’ll guide every decision you make moving forward.

Zoom In: The 3-Year Plan

Now let’s reel it back a bit. If you’re clear on where you want to be in ten years, it’s time to create a 3-year plan. Why three years? It’s long enough for real progress but short enough to feel tangible.

Ask yourself: What needs to happen in the next three years to hit that 10-year vision? Maybe you need to scale your business, hire key people, or get serious about your health.

Start breaking things down into specific goals. Make them big but achievable. No need to aim too high too fast. Focus on what you can accomplish in three years to make that 10-year vision inevitable.

What Needs to Happen in the Next 12 Months?

Here’s where the rubber meets the road. What do you need to accomplish in the next year to make your 3-year plan a reality?

This is where most people trip up. They look at the 3-year plan and get overwhelmed. But remember, you’re breaking it down step by step.

Think about the 3-4 key things you must accomplish this year to stay on track. Keep it simple. If you want to be a millionaire in ten years, maybe you need to hit a revenue target this year or double down on a new income stream. Write it down.

The 90-Day Sprints

Now comes the magic: 90-day sprints.

Here’s why this works. A year is a long time—too long. Break it into smaller chunks—90 days at a time. In the next 90 days, what’s the ONE big thing you need to focus on to get closer to your 12-month goal? Just one thing.

It forces you to focus and cuts out the noise. No more juggling ten projects and making no progress. You know what needs to be done, and you’ve got 90 days to make it happen.

Track your progress. Check in every couple of weeks. If you hit your 90-day goal, great. Move on to the next. If you don’t, reassess and figure out why.

Daily Execution: The “Now” List

Here’s where most people fall off: the day-to-day grind. You can have the most epic 10-year vision, but if your daily actions don’t align, you’ll get nowhere.

This is why I use a simple “Now” list every day. It’s not a to-do list with a hundred items. It’s the 3-4 most important things I need to get done today that will move the needle. Everything else? Just noise.

Your daily actions should align with your 90-day sprint. That’s how you ensure your short-term actions lead to long-term results.

The Power of Alignment

Here’s the crazy part: Once you start operating this way, things start aligning. The decisions you make today—what you say yes to and, more importantly, what you say no to—become easier. Why? Because you’ve got the big picture in mind.

When you’re crystal clear on your vision, you don’t waste time on distractions. You know where you’re going and exactly what steps you need to take to get there.

Wrapping It Up

Here’s the punchline: Vision without action is just a dream. But action without vision is a waste of time. You need both.

Set your 10-year North Star, then reverse-engineer it into a 3-year plan, 12-month goals, 90-day sprints, and daily actions. That’s how you create a vision that actually drives your life—and your business—forward.

The best part? You don’t need to get it perfect from the start. Just start. Your vision will evolve, and that’s okay. As long as you’re moving with purpose, you’re on the right track.

Got your 10-year vision figured out? Hit me up and share it. I’d love to see what you’re building!